Yarn Along 10/9/2013

My Stormy scarf is finished!!  I do like the results. The long exaggerated cables came out awesome 🙂    And my husband loves how soft the baby alpaca is.

I got a new Knitting toy that I love: Block Roll.

I knew I was going to need something like this to make sure I block all the squares for my Yurt Throw to the same size.  It was awesome for blocking this scarf. It still curls a little because the cables go all they way to the edge, but it does curl a lot less now.

I started on a Turquoise Set ( a scarf and hat) for me as well this week.  I had some awesome turquoise baby alpaca in my stash.  I am using the Alokananda Beret pattern, but when I tried the pattern as is, the icord made the first and last stitch very loose and sloppy, so I changed the to have 3 seed stitch for the edge.  Then i found it was badly curling….


So I frogged and started over, keeping the seed stitch edge, but slipping the fourth and forth to last stitch on the wrong side of the work.  It appears to have fixed the curling, but I won’t know for sure until it is a little longer.


This week, I am still reading My Sister’s Keeper and I finished 2 more squares for my Yurt Throw.


This completes all of the Loden squares, here is the overall pattern/progess:


A Blustery Island Day + Yarn Along

SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESSo I did not get any time to post before today, so this post will be an island update as well as a yarn along post.

This weekend on the island, it was very windy and some rain as well 😦  So we did not work on any projects.  We did the usual walk on the island.  We found a Blue Jay feather


I found some raccoon tracks

Some flowers are still blooming:

I love that so many of the trees on the island have holes form the critters or are twisted (you can only see that after they fall and the bark comes off).

And there was more evidence of fall.

I got a great shot of one of the turkey vultures (and his dinner), but heron was a little harder, I was on the boat so the shot did not quite come out as we were moving.

The next morning, the fog was beautiful.

Everything was wet and cold so we headed home.On the dock, the spider webs looked so cool with all the dew and fog

We were able to get home just in time for the Bears game (to bad the lost)  😦


Ok, now for the yarn along!

This week I am reading My Sister’s Keeper and I made some progress on my knitting.  I got the additional yarn I needed for my Stormy Scarf and I have added to the length.  It think it is almost done!


On my Yurt Throw, I finished (almost) tow more squares which completes all of the wheat squares.


Here is the overall pattern and progress:
